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Medical funds

Medical provision in most of the eastern European countries leaves much to be desired. A country like the Republic of Moldova does not even have any compensation for medical expenses. Not only the treatment has to be paid for, it is also customorary to pay the doctors and nurses as well, or else no medical care will be given, even in the most urgent situations. There are numerous examples of cases of diseases where recovery failed to occur, because people had no money,  often resulting in permanent injury or disability. From the Medical Fund of Child Sponsor Programme families receive financial support if they do not have sufficient financial means in case of serious illness or accident.

It would often be possible to treat diseases or ailments, but the lack of money stops many families visiting a doctor or going to the hospital for treatment. Please, help us to help and support the Medical Fund of Child Sponsor Programme!

Your contributions are more than welcome on Postbank account number 6990377, account name Stg. Kinder Sponsor Plan te Rotterdam, please state 'Medisch Fonds'.
General informations
Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands
(Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan
te Krimpen aan de Lek)

Direct donations to Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands

Attn: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan,
PO Box 2098, 2930 AB
Krimpen aan de Lek
Bank account numbers:
ING Bank: IBAN: NL51INGB0006990377

Rabobank: IBAN: NL82 RABO 0333 8113 72

Account name: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan, Capelle ad IJssel

Governing board
Mr. H. J. Kesting
Mr. G. van Sabben
Mr. M. J. van der Weide
See Bord of directors
Board of directors

Jaco van der Sterre

Peter Edelenbosch
(Supervisor Eastern Europe)

Cees Slings
(Field Funding)

Cobi van Sabben
(Financial supervisor)

Contact in Belgium

OostEuropa Zending VZW /
Kinder Sponsor Plan 170
2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp)

Bank account number:
IBAN: BE57 4140 3536 6135
Account name:
OostEuropa Zending VZW Brussels

Online donation
Click here for your donation to
Child Sponsor Programme
(Kinder Sponsor Plan)